In the framework of the third year of the project “Strenghtening of social and educational services for minors in Palestinian refugees camps of Mar Elias, Burj el Barajneh and Rashidieh in Lebanon”, the CTM photographic exhibition entitled on the subject “Education and Future” started in Lebanon. The exhibition is related to the awareness and information campaign entitled # anchiovoglioessere (I also want to be): right to study, right to childhood and “right to dream” to promote a quality education, diversified and accessible to everybody.
As for the first presentation of the exhibition, in Italy, 20 photos were chosen, showing children of the GKCF center involved in the project, while performing the job the dream to do in the future.
The exhibition was presented for the first time to the public on Friday 14th of April 2017 at the center Dwar el Shams of Beirut, that usually hosts puppet shows and activities addressed to the children.
During this day, 300 minors could admire the pictures displayed. The exhibition took place also on the 27th of April with other 300 visitors and it will continue during May.