On the 7th of November, the final event of the project “Rafforzamento delle capacita’ delle Municipalita’ di Ghazieh ed Erkaye dei villaggi circostanti a supporto delle locali comunita’ libanesi e siriane più vulnerabili“, implemented by CTM with the partner NGO Armadilla and financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, took place.
The main activity has been the rehabilitation of the main provincial road for around 6 km, including the reparation and the cleaning of the street borders, the rehabilitation of the draining canals and the asphalting of the street layer. 1053 olive trees were also planted to reinforce the street borders and containment walls have been built. In the outskirts of Ghazieh a 10 meters bridge has been rehabilitated.
The involvement of 260 Syrian and Lebanese male and female workers in the project activities, will improve the social cohesion of the community and shows the will of conforming the project to the guidelines of the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan.
During the ceremony, involving the representatives of the municipalities involved and of our project partner Armadilla, our country representative Nicolo’ Volpe mentioned the continuous commitment of CTM for the most disadvantaged Lebanese populations and for the Palestinian and Syrian refugees.