The sea turtle nesting season has begun in Tyre. Only one in a thousand will succeed in becoming an adult and reproducing. Together with the experts from the CRTM (Calimera Sea Turtle Recovery Centre), we support Lebanese volunteers and coastal workers with tools and skills in recognizing tracks, monitoring nests and protecting them from human hazards.
Thanks to the precious work of the Hima Mansouri group of volunteers, we have protected the turtle nests in the 2023 season. We have organized a series of events to release these extraordinary creatures with the hope that they can survive and breed. Thanks to our intervention, various groups of local volunteers increase their management skills for protected species.
Blue Tyre is a collaboration between the Municipality of Tyre (LB) and the Municipality of Tricase (IT) financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. Thanks to the project we were able to strengthen and empower the institutions and associations in the TCNR (Tyre Cosat Nature Reserve) and in the rising protected areas: the coastal areas of Abbassiet and Mansouri.